Our Services

Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar Pune
Garbh Sanskar

Sanskar changes the original property to better one. It means to enhance or change the property for betterment. Day to day life is very busy. Many of us have only one or two child and we try to give them all best things to make them perfect is all aspects. Garbh Sanskar Pune provides Garbha Sanskar Treatment, Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar, Suvarna Bindu Prashan in Pune. Reference of suvarna Bindu prashan sanskar in classics :

Suvarna prashana creates medha (mental capacity), agni (stomach related power), bala (quality), aayu vardhana(prolonged life traverse), it is additionally Mangalakara(brings in great temperances in kid, inspirational disposition in life, idealism, energy to defeat mental and physical hardships, great destiny), Vrushya(attractive nature and identity), Varnya(tones skin shading), Graha baadha nashaka(voids away related indecencies).

Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar treatment Pune provides child's mental and behavioral development begins when he is considered. Garbha Sanskar Pune has been proved very beneficial. Thousands of couples are experiencing it then why don't you? We define Garbha Sanskar as improving total Physical, Mental, Emotional, Health and Intelligence

About Us

Shree Ayurved and Panchakarma

Shree Ayurved, Panchakarma and Physiotherapy Hospital was started in May 2005 to offer Ayurvedic, Panchakarma and Physiotherapy treatment to a common man, all under one roof. It is the only hospital in Pune, offering all 3 services together, holistically. Physiotherapy is added for instant acute pain relief and Yoga for non recurrence of disorders (Apunarbhav Chikitsa).

Ayurveda is the most ancient yet most effective form of medical treatment! Our Mission is to help and cure people with Ayurvedic Treatment and Therapies for continuous and sustainable healthy living

Analysis and Investigation of Current Health Status/ Reports Get into details of Daily routine (Dinacharya) Suggest essential lifestyle changes Prepare and Recommend suitable diet plan Provide medicine.

Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar Pune
